Democratic thinking

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December 02, 2005

Bushmen answer to BBC Radio 4

The organization of the central Kalahari Bushmen has published a statement denouncing the recent BBC Radio 4 programme 'Crossing Continents', which accused Survival of 'making things worse' for the Bushmen.

The Bushmen said, 'Survival has proved it is working for [us] and we have benefited a lot from their help. Unlike Kuru and Ditshwanelo, Survival is an organisation who does actually support the people of the CKGR.'

Descriptions of the programme on its 'Have your say' page include 'hatchet job' and 'ridiculously biased' against the Bushmen.

Survival International has been advocating for the return of the Botswana San Bushmen to their homelands and has proved that diamond giant De Beers is collaborating with the local government for the ethnic cleansing of the bushmen.


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